
From the bestselling author of You Are Your Own Gym...


Lay the Foundation for Lifelong
Fitness in Just 90 Days

Want to Know the Secret of Fitness?

Mark Lauren

Hi, Mark here.

When it comes to fitness, too often I see people going for the “quick, easy fix.”

But the truth is, if you want to be fit for life without “yo-yoing” and without burning out … you have to build consistent habits.

That’s why I created the Mark Lauren 90-Day Challenge.

Within a short, manageable period of time … you’ll learn fitness habits that will stick with you and last a lifetime.

Give me 90 days, and I’ll make you fit for life.

Here's What You Get with the 90-Day Challenge:

Scissor Kicks Exercise
Scissor Kicks Exercise
Scissor Kicks with Comments
"This is a fantastic app that makes it easy to create and commit to the ideal personalized workout routine. The results were unexpectedly immediate. The Mark Lauren programs have triggered a cascade of healthy upgrades throughout my life. Thank you Mark and Lea!"
"This is a fantastic app that makes it easy to create and commit to the ideal personalized workout routine. The results were unexpectedly immediate. The Mark Lauren programs have triggered a cascade of healthy upgrades throughout my life. Thank you Mark and Lea!"

But that's not all...

If you subscribe to the Mark Lauren 90-Day Challenge right now, I’ll also give you instant access to my ENTIRE Mark Lauren On Demand library of video workouts. Including…

Receive access to all of this instantly when you subscribe to the Mark Lauren 90-Day Challenge today!

Lunging Exercise
Hip Drop Exercise
Tripod Push Ups Exercise

Try Risk-Free

All I’m asking is you give the 90-day fitness challenge a chance to change your life.

If you’re not satisfied for any reason … or no reason at all … just cancel and you won’t be charged a penny. No hassles, no questions.

That way, you risk nothing. So what are you waiting for? Start the 90-day health challenge today!

90-Day Challenge
90-Day Challenge
90-Day Challenge

Just imagine heads turning to check out your hot, fit new body...

I structured the 90-Day Challenge to make it practically impossible for you to fail.

I’ve given you every tool possible to succeed.

Now, if you just follow along for these 90 days … if you stick it out … I promise you, you will learn the habits that will make you fit for life with the 90-day health challenge.

Your future self starts today.

Move Better. Live Better.

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