

In my wildly popular first book You Are Your Own Gym, I, a certified Military Physical Training Specialist and Special Operations Combat Controller, created a revolutionary new way to work out that required no gym, no weights – nothing but the most advanced fitness machine ever created – your body. Now, in BODY BY YOU: The You Are Your Own Gym Guide to Total Women’s Fitness I have created the ultimate at-home, no-equipment-required, get-in-shape-fast fitness program designed especially for the unique needs of women.

Ladies, it’s time to forget about muscle-depleting and boring cardio exercises. And it’s also time to forget long hours at the gym using expensive and complicated machines that promise to isolate and “fix” body parts. In BODY BY YOU, I explain that simple, at-home, total women’s fitness exercises that use your own body weight to build real-world strength are the key to a lean and capable body.

And the best part is – like in You Are Your Own Gym – you can do them anywhere.

In BODY BY YOU, you will:

Find three training levels with programs for 30 minute bodyweight workouts for women, three times a week

Learn that gaining a few pounds in muscle is the best and fastest route to overall weight loss

Receive a comprehensive nutrition plan to fuel your body during the total women’s fitness guide

Get results quickly with 125 comprehensive exercises in the total women’s fitness guide that target every part of the body: toned arms, flatter abs, tighter buns, leaner legs and curves in all the right places

In the bodyweight training for women guide, be offered total fitness independence. In the women’s fitness guide, YOU are the boss now

Whether you are an exercise junkie or total beginner, BODY BY YOU is a women’s fitness guide that will change your life using the one thing you are never without: your own body and bodyweight workouts for women.