Glycemic Index

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The Glycemic Index (GI) measures foods on a scale of 0-100 based on the degree to which they increase blood sugar levels in the body. Based on this rating, each food is classified as a low, medium, or high-GI food.

Low-GI = less than or equal to 55

Medium-GI = 56-69

High-GI = equal to or greater than 70

The lower the GI level of the food, the slower the food is digested and absorbed. The higher the GI level, the faster the food is digested and absorbed.

Processed and refined food tend to have a higher glycemic index than fresh food from nature.


Lower-GI foods digest more slowly, which reduces the spikes of energy followed by a crash. They have less of an effect on blood sugar and insulin levels, which will lead to a longer feeling of fullness and reduced cravings as well as an increase in energy and stabilized moods.

Change of Index

The Glycemic index can change depending on the ripeness of the food, how it is prepared and the combination of food. For example you can bring the glycemic index of a meal down by combining high-GI food with lower-GI foods. Also look at your portion size, that’s what the Glycemic Load is about. The Glycemic Load combines the quantity and quality of those carbs. 

Of course there are also other factors on how effective your body digest food- your age, how active you are, illnesses like diabetes etc. Use the Glycemic Index as a guideline. 

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